Saltwater Leadership helps organizations grow better leaders.
Saltwater Leadership is your source for dynamic speakers who engage audiences with thoughtful, inspiring presentations of real lessons learned through entrepreneurial business and military leadership situations.
Rob Wray
RADM Rob Wray USN (Ret.) is the founder of Saltwater Leadership and a sought-after speaker on topics of Leadership.
Ted LeClair
Rear Admiral (RADM/two stars) Ted LeClair is the Managing Director of Saltwater Leadership (SWL). He regularly speaks to groups on building leaders.
Ted LeClair and Rob Wray
Saltwater Leadership: The Book
Now in its second edition, Saltwater Leadership, A Primer on Leadership for the Sea Services, is about leadership in the maritime environment. The unforgiving, dynamic, and unconquerable nature of the sea requires direct leadership, often with very little margin of error. The unique and common nature of professional life on the sea applies not only to junior naval leaders but also officer and enlisted leaders from the Marines, Coast Guard and Merchant Marines. Based on decades of leadership experiences, Saltwater Leadership covers a wide variety of topics, including basic junior officer leadership, taking care of people, providing forceful backup, leadership and culture, and professional competence.
Your lecture was the most practical advice on leadership and self-improvement that I have ever received. Your stories were engaging, applicable, well-delivered, and I felt absolutely compelled to write down every single action item. In fact, I have posted the list on my bathroom mirror—see attached photo!
Captain Michelle Binder, Nurse Corps, US Air Force / In the graduate school of Nursing at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences